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Slimming<br>Mega Pack

Mega Pack

Weight loss, fat burner and appetite suppressant - 3 months
Regular price 59,90 €
Regular price 74,70 € Sale price 59,90€
Minimum recommended

No commitment, delivered every 3 month:

VIP offers and private sales
Guaranteed delivery without breakage
Change your formula at will
Change the duration, pause it

This exclusive 3x3 months Mega Gift Pack allows you to save 30% with 2 "Good Body" Slimming Gels + our beauty bag offered (while stocks last)!

Discover these 3 ideal formulas to transform your figure: GOOD SLIM (weight loss) + GOOD DIET (appetite suppressant) + GOOD BURN (fat burner). A slimming program that is 100% pleasure and sugar-free!

Gluten free


100% vegano


No artificial colors


Sold in pharmacies


Prodotto in Francia


Recyclable bottle


Worldwide free delivery from €100

Delivery info +Info +
  • Free delivery in Metropolitan France from 30€ of purchase at Relais Point - to home without signature from 50€ of purchase - to home with signature from 80€ of purchase and to home with express delivery from 150€ of purchase
  • Free European delivery from 60€ purchase.
  • Free DOM-TOM delivery from 60€ of purchase.
  • Rest of the world , free from 100€ purchase.
TIME LIMIT Metropolitan France :
  • Home delivery within 24 to 48 hours (excluding weekends and public holidays).
  • Delivery to relay points throughout France within 72 hours.
EU countries:
  • 2 to 3 working days for signature delivery.
  • 5 to 6 working days for standard delivery.
  • 3 to 5 working days express delivery.
Other countries around the world:
  • 7 to 10 working days standard delivery.
  • 3 to 5 working days express delivery.

In Express 3-5 days


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laboratoire-lashile-beauty-lashile-beauty-is-a-french-laboratory-of-dietary-supplements-in-the-form-of-natural-gummies-vegan-without-artificial-coloring-or-flavoring-this-is-highly-concentrated-nutricosmetics-quot-a-delicious-desire-to-take-care-of-you-every-day-quot-secure-payment-fast-delivery-anywhere-in-the-world laboratoire-lashile-beauty-lashile-beauty-is-a-french-laboratory-of-dietary-supplements-in-the-form-of-natural-gummies-vegan-without-artificial-coloring-or-flavoring-this-is-highly-concentrated-nutricosmetics-quot-a-delicious-desire-to-take-care-of-you-every-day-quot-secure-payment-fast-delivery-anywhere-in-the-world laboratoire-lashile-beauty-lashile-beauty-is-a-french-laboratory-of-dietary-supplements-in-the-form-of-natural-gummies-vegan-without-artificial-coloring-or-flavoring-this-is-highly-concentrated-nutricosmetics-quot-a-delicious-desire-to-take-care-of-you-every-day-quot-secure-payment-fast-delivery-anywhere-in-the-world laboratoire-lashile-beauty-lashile-beauty-is-a-french-laboratory-of-dietary-supplements-in-the-form-of-natural-gummies-vegan-without-artificial-coloring-or-flavoring-this-is-highly-concentrated-nutricosmetics-quot-a-delicious-desire-to-take-care-of-you-every-day-quot-secure-payment-fast-delivery-anywhere-in-the-world






The Good Slim without sugar are vitaminized slimming gummies designed to help you lose weight. They are vegan, without artificial coloring and made in France. They contain natural flavors for a "Pineapple" taste that you will love!

A formula for weight loss based on : L-Carnitine, Elderberry, Chicory Powder, Maté, Vitamins :
✓ Promotes weight loss in addition to dietary measures thanks to chicory,
✓ Helps to stay slim thanks to elderberry,
✓ Helps control weight and maintain a healthy weight thanks to elderberry,
✓ Suitable for men and women.

Good Burn with no added sugars are slimming gummies designed to help you burn fat. They are vegan, without artificial coloring and made in France. They contain natural flavors for a "Cherry" taste that you will love!

A formula to help you burn fat based on : Cola powder, Garcinia Cambogia, Ascophyllum (brown seaweed), Pineapple:
✓ Promotes fat burning with cola,
✓ Contributes to body weight control with the help of cola,
✓ Helps support a weight loss program with cola,
✓ Suitable for men and women.

Good Diet without sugars are slimming gummies designed to help reduce appetite and feelings of hunger. They are vegan, without artificial colors and made in France. They contain natural flavors for a taste "Apricot" that you will love!

A formula "appetite suppressant" based on : Carob, L-Tyrosine, Chrome:
✓ Appetite suppressant action promoted by Carob,
✓ Contributes to reduce the appetite to help you lose weight naturally thanks to Carob,
✓ Contributes to limit the feelings of cravings, untimely cravings for food thanks to Carob,
✓ Contributes to the maintenance of a normal blood sugar thanks to Chromium,
✓ Contributes to reinforce the feeling of satiety thanks to Carob,
✓ Suitable for men and women.


Information Nutritionnelle

Good Burn

Ingrédients Pour 2 gummies % AR*
Extrait d’Ananas 143,5 mg
Poudre de Cola 64,5 mg
Extrait de Garcinia 64,5 mg
Extrait d’Ascophyllum
(Algue brune)
13,5 mg


Agent de charge : maltitol - Extrait sec de tige d'ananas (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.) - Agent gélifiant : pectine - Poudre de graine de cola (Cola nitida (Vent.) Schott et Endl.) - Extrait sec d'écorce de fruit de Garcinia (Garcinia cambogia) - Concentré (carotte et patate douce) - Arôme naturel - Agent acidifiant : citrate de sodium - Extrait d'ascophyllum (Ascophyllum nodosum L.) (traces de mollusques, poissons, crustacés) - Agent acidifiant : acide citrique - Agent d’enrobage : cire de carnauba. FORMULE SANS SUCRES AJOUTÉS. CONTIENT DES SUCRES NATURELLEMENT PRÉSENTS.

*Reference intakes

Information Nutritionnelle

Good Slim

Ingrédients Pour 2 gummies % AR*
Maté Extract 62,5 mg
L-Carnitine 60 mg
Elderberry Extract 45 mg -
Chicory Powder 40 mg 50%
Vitamine C 40 mg 50%
Vitamine B6 1,4 mg 100%


Bulking agent: maltitol - Acidifying agent: citric acid - L-Carnitine tartrate - Gelling agent: pectin - Dry extract of mate leaf (Ilex paraguariensis A. St.-Hil.) - Dry extract of elderflower (Sambucus nigra L.) - Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) - Chicory root powder (Cichorium intybus L.) - Natural flavouring - Concentrate (safflower and lemon) - Acidifying agent : sodium citrate - Coating agent : carnauba wax - Pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6). SUGAR-FREE FORMULA.

*Reference intakes

Information Nutritionnelle

Good Diet

Ingrédients Pour 2 gummies % AR*
Extrait de caroube 225 mg
L-Tyrosine 100 mg
Chrome 60 µg -


Agent de charge : maltitol - Extrait sec de fruit de caroube (Ceratonia siliqua L.) - Agent gélifiant : pectine - L-Tyrosine - Agent acidifiant : acide citrique - Arôme naturel - Concentré (radis et carthame) - Agent acidifiant : citrate de sodium - Agent d’enrobage : cire de carnauba - Picolinate de chrome.FORMULE SANS SUCRES.


- Good Slim: Take 2 gummies a day in the morning.
- Good Burn: Take 2 gummies a day in the morning.
- Good Diet: Take 3 gummies a day.

Results will vary from person to person. We recommend a break of 1 month after 6 consecutive months of treatment.


Dietary supplements should be used as part of a healthy lifestyle and not as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet. Keep out of reach of children. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Consume as part of a controlled calorie intake.
Good Burn and Good Slim contain caffeine and are not recommended for children, pregnant and breastfeeding women and people sensitive to caffeine.


Quando noterò i risultati?
Chaque personne est unique et les résultats varieront en fonction d'une série de facteurs tels que le style de vie et la génétique. Pour des résultats visibles et durables, nous recommandons de prendre le pack minceur minimum 3 mois. Nous recommandons une pause d’1 mois après 6 mois consécutifs de cure. Plusieurs cures par an sont possibles. La constance est la clé pour des résultats optimaux. La régularité dans la prise de compléments alimentaires est essentielle pour obtenir des résultats.
Posso consumare insieme le tre formule dimagranti?
SI, le nostre formule dimagranti sono combinabili tra loro e possono aiutarti a perdere peso nell'ambito di una dieta rigorosa e di un'alimentazione sana ed equilibrata. La nostra formula Good Burn è ideale per favorire il rilascio dei grassi, un complesso essenziale di piante di cola, garcinia cambogia, ascophylum e ananas che consente di bruciare anche i grassi più localizzati. La nostra buona formula Slim è ideale per favorire la perdita di peso, un complesso unico di piante di sambuco, cicoria e mate che ti permette di ritrovare un vitino da vespa. La nostra formula Good Diet è ideale per sopprimere la fame, un complesso di piante e oligoelementi essenziali per regolare il desiderio di zucchero (glicemia) e ridurre l'assunzione di cibo.
Come consumo il mio pacco?
L'ideale sarebbe consumare le 2 caramelle gommose Good Slim e Good Burn al mattino, distanziando l'assunzione di qualche ora tra le 2 soprattutto se bevi molta acqua, questa ti permetterà di drenare bene durante tutta la giornata. Good Diet può essere consumato in diversi modi, tra cui: Occasionalmente, per ridurre l'appetito e mantenere i normali livelli di zucchero nel sangue in caso di pasti abbondanti, sia come trattamento, per ridurre l'assunzione di cibo o in caso di appetito o voglia di zucchero.
Per quanto tempo dovrei consumare il mio pacchetto?
Il nostro pacchetto dimagrante contiene 1 mese di trattamento delle nostre 3 formule. Si tratta di un pacchetto mensile per scoprire le nostre cure dimagranti o continuare la vostra perdita di peso. Per ottenere risultati è fondamentale effettuare un trattamento di almeno 3 mesi da adattare in base alle proprie esigenze e desideri.
E' compatibile con altri trattamenti?
Sì, a patto di non superare i 3/4 cure massime
Posso consumare l'impacco dimagrante durante la gravidanza o l'allattamento?
NO. Le formule Good Slim e Good Burn contengono caffeina. Non sono raccomandati alle donne incinte e che allattano e alle persone sensibili alla caffeina.
Ci sono precauzioni per l'uso?
SÌ. Non raccomandato per bambini, donne incinte e che allattano. Good Burn e Good Slim contengono caffeina.
Why take Gummies rather than Softgels or Capsules?

The texture and taste of the gummies make the cures more pleasant and thus promote regularity, essential for visible results. It is a galenic combining pharmaceutical know-how and scientific innovation.

Are there any artificial flavors or colors in Lashilé formulas?

Our Gummies are vegan, without artificial colors, they contain natural fruit flavors for a fruity taste that you will love!

Where are Lashilé gummies made?

Our gummies are carefully manufactured and packaged in France and Spain (Good Beauty and Good Skin Night only).

Are there any precautions for use for Gummies?

Gummies are food supplements. They should be used as part of a healthy lifestyle and not used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Store at room temperature in a clean, dry place.

If you don't take the gummies for a few days, is it serious?

It's not a big deal, but consistency is the key to optimal results. Regularity in taking food supplements is essential to obtain long-term results.

How to follow the preparation and delivery of an order?

You can track the delivery progress of your order at any time here: Track my order

How to use a promo code on the site?

If you are lucky enough to find a promo code, you can write it down in the space reserved at the payment stage. To do this, validate your basket, then on the next page at the top, click on “show order summary”. The location of the promo code is here. Don't forget to validate to benefit from it!

What delivery methods are offered?

We offer several delivery methods: to your home with or without signature and relay point.

How does the subscription work?

By selecting the subscription purchasing method (without commitment), you benefit from an additional -15% discount on prices (-10% for the Essential Range).

This formula is free and without obligation:
- You receive your cures automatically at the chosen frequency
- You can modify the frequency of your subscription, pause it, cancel it or reactivate it at any time directly from your account (a withdrawal period of 3 days, excluding weekends and public holidays, before the date birthday is to be respected.)

Where can we find Lashilé products in physical stores?

Lashilé is No. 1 in sales of Gummies in Pharmacy and Parapharmacy. Find the list of our points of sale HERE:

Do you have another question?

Contact our customer service Monday to Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
📞 By telephone at +33 (0)4 91 03 91 85 - 💌 By email at - via our FAQ accessible here: Customer Service